Program Implementation
Designing and maintaining a wellness program doesn’t have to be stressful. After taking the time to understand your business and goals, Equitable Title can customize a program specific to your employees’ needs and health care data, and will deliver the tools you need to get a successful wellness program off the ground.
Employees may experience many potential benefits after joining a wellness program, including:
- Increased well-being, self-image, and self-esteem
- Improved coping skills when dealing with stress or other health factors
- Reduced risk for developing chronic or life threatening conditions
- Increased motivation to improve and maintain health
- Improved overall health
- Decreased health care costs (fewer doctor visits, perhaps lower premiums, less need for expensive care, etc.)
- Additional social support and interaction as coworkers strive toward healthier lifestyles
- Improved job satisfaction
- Safer and more productive work environment
The ideal corporate wellness program brings together employees from different backgrounds and helps them focus on making choices that lead to longer, healthier lives. The challenge is working through those differences to arrive at a plan that allows everyone the best chance to participate and achieve their own individual goals.
Our wellness director will also ensure your corporate wellness program is in compliance with both state and federal law. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA), and state discrimination laws will all impact the design of a wellness program.
Ready to create a wellness program? Contact us today for a consultation!